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Electronic Document System

Electronic Document System


 In the past, organizing and filing traditional paper documents required a lot of manpower to classify and archive documents sent by various government agencies and companies. Finding processed documents meant spending a lot of time searching through file cabinets, and ongoing documents often left staff uncertain about the progress of processing.  

 With the advent of the digital age and the significant increase in the use of electronic document exchange in recent years, many government agencies or companies have gradually implemented 'digital transformation.' Choosing to transform 'paper documents' into 'electronic documents,' the Hundred Plus eForm Solution provides companies with a complete workflow for electronic document sending and receiving, managing paper documents, and internal document approval, enhancing operational efficiency and achieving paperless operations.


Handling Incoming Documents

The system helps with receiving electronic documents. You can store and organize these documents in folders. It also helps with managing paper documents by allowing you to file them in the system. 


Handling Outgoing Documents

The system helps send electronic documents. You can edit them in your web browser before sending. Once sent, you can track their status. It also helps manage paper documents by letting you print and mail them.


National Address Book

The system provides an up-to-date national address book. Administrators can customize categories to facilitate the management of government agencies or company branches that frequently exchange documents. They can also input the addresses of counterparts for future reference or mailing.


Business Registration Certificate

Following government regulations, the system uses 'Business Registration Certificates' for authentication and connects to the Document Exchange Center. It helps with sending and receiving electronic documents, ensuring they're encrypted and decrypted securely. 

Key Features


Classify Data, Keep Documents Securely

The system lets you create custom folders to organize important company documents and store them securely. It also has a feature to view PDFs online. 


Setting Permissions for Secure Data Control

Protect important company documents by managing folder permissions, ensuring internal documents are not modified or deleted without authorization.


Quickly Search Old Documents 

Use the system's search to find old documents. The advanced search lets you filter details and quickly make viewing lists. 


Completing multiple tasks together to enhance work efficiency

Quickly send and receive electronic documents with just one click, making document processing faster for businesses. 


Simplifying Procedures, Organizing Document Formats

The integrated system follows standard procedures, using document formats and electronic exchanges that meet government requirements. 


Integrated Interface: Web Version

The electronic document system has a web-based management interface. It saves installation time for businesses because you don't have to switch between systems or install multiple systems. separately.  


Easy to Use: Typing Method

You can type document content directly on the webpage, and after typing, you can also print it as a paper document for mailing.


Integrated System: Electronic Signatures

 Linked with documents, electronic forms can be processed and progress tracked both ways, making document management more effective and operations more efficient.


Flexible Features, Customizable List Settings

 The system allows customized lists and displays the content of list columns.

Usage Scenarios and Applied Field

 Businesses that need to "receive or send" government electronic documents

Businesses that want to keep track of "document progress" at all times

Businesses that want to improve their internal "operational efficiency"

Businesses that want to transition from paper documents to "electronic documents"


Video Introduction

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