Form Flow Management
Form Flow Management

Form Plus: Streamline your business process management and go GREEN!
Form Plus is our Form Flow Management platform connecting eForm design, approval process planning, and report analysis generator all in one platform. With our Form Plus, Enterprises can replace all of papr-based forms to eform; furthermore, enterprises will not need IT coding specialist in house to maintain its form approval flow. Basically, Form Plus has all you need for Business Process Management!
Form Plus can be obtained through software package or cloud-based subscription upon your preference. Enterprises may also request for our additional add-on features such as knowledge management, project management, and customer relationship management to optimize different enterprise’s needs. Our goal is to help enterprises to find the right mix of our services to see enterprises thrive and grow!
Home Page

Quick Navigation
Allows user to immediate skim through of urgent documemt needed to be sign.

Navigation Menu Management
Form navigation bar is fully customizable to suit the demands of eForm classifications as needed.

Home Page Information
Important information blocks and eForm filling rules can be displayed at the home page to be seen by every user after login.

Marquee/Sliding text
Dynamic announcement messages related to form spread and used.

eForms flow
eForms flow supports mobile interface to enhance eForms pending time.

eForms Designer
eForms Designer allows individual to design eForms without coding experiences and enables computerization of human resources forms.

eForms Report
Consolidates results from finished eFormsflow for a comprehensive report and a detail analysis.

*eForms flow Archive
Finished eForms flow could be organized and saved in the archive for future references.

EIP eForms could be invoked or trigger external software effectively transferring information to integrate with other third-party software.
Additional Applications

Message System
User can send and receive messages including other notifications and all data will be keep a record in the message system.

A place to consolidate important and latest information for any user with the appropriate access rights to access.

Mobile Platform
Form is user friendly regardless of your interface and device of choice: Androids, iOS, smart phones or tablets.

*Go EIP (App)
Receive EIP messages from anywhere, always up-to-date and well-informed of the latest updates.