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Project Management System

Project Management Information System

Project Plus: Bring your project management skills to the next level!

Project Plus is a Project Management tool offering all the project managers need in one integrated platform. Daily project management tasks such as monitoring project progress, learning resources, reporting project issues, and tracking distributed tasks can all be accomplished in our Project Plus platform.

With our easy-to-read surface, project supervisors are able to detect project risks and vulnerbilities at an early stage in order to prevent projects from failing. There are some other helpful features; for instance, building project-specific strategies, devising a work breakdown structure, and allocating resources. Project Plus also supports data importing from software sources such as MS Project and MS Excel to make it effortless to integrate your work on one roadmap. 

Project Plus can be obtained through software package or cloud-based subscription upon your preference. Enterprises may also request for our additional add-on features such as knowledge management, human resource management, and customer relationship management to optimize different enterprise’s needs. Our goal is to help enterprises to find the right mix of our services to see enterprises thrive and grow!


Home Page

Quick Navigation

CRM navigation bar is fully customizable to suit the demands of any enterprise. 

Navigation Menu Management

Allows the immediate skim through of urgent personal tasks needed to be addressed immediately. 

Home Page Information

Important information such as Annual Project targets and company slogan can be displayed at the home page to be seen by every user after login. 

Project Management


Project Plus enables a project’s initiation, execution, monitoring and termination to be monitored. 


To allocate human resources to various tasks collectively. 

Task Logs

Members of a project can reported of the task progresses, costs, man-hours and issues promptly. 

Document Management

Documents can be versioned and theirs access rights been granted or denied flexibly. 

Issue Tracking

Issues that arise during a project’s lifespan can be monitored and tracked. 

*Staged Report

A summary can be generated to report the details of various stages during the lifespan of a project. 

*Budget Management

 A platform to devise project budgets and break them down to assorted costs with various budget codes.

*Risk Management

 A platform to easily identify risks, analyze risks and establish risk addressing proposals.

*Activities Management

Backlogs related to identical projects or tasks can be monitored and managed. 

*Programs Management

Projects of similar nature can be classified and their progress be collectively monitored. 


Timesheet efficiently calculates project man-hour allocations and reports the labor costs involved.  

*Deliverables Management

The deliverables of a project can be monitored and audited by its managers. 


Message System

An internal messaging system that allows messages to be sent, received or tracked at any stage in time. 


The Project collaborative calendar informs you of any upcoming meetings, tasks and milestones. 


A solution to quickly gathering polls anonymously and displaying real time poll results.


A place to collect comments and verify those have seen the information from those that have not. 

*Meeting Manager

 Users can utilize the meeting manager to initiate a meeting, record meeting discussions, and track meeting follow-ups.


Contact Lists

 You can use the Contact List to record all your private and office contacts for a comprehensive management.

Company Management

Establish a clear outline of the company structure and classify projects accordingly.  


Project Report

A multidimensional project report can be generated and be delivered to those who are concerned 

Illustrated Reports

A report with easily grasped diagrams to help project managers accurately and immediately understand project progresses. 

Human Resource Management

Available, occupied and consumed human resources can be broken down and managed. 


Worksheet allows the backlogs of a project or a task to be generated as a comprehensive report. 

Project’s Supported Import Formats

MS Excel Import

Enterprises could import Excel file formats into the Project Plus’ management system. 

*MS Project Import

 Project supports multiple imports of the MS Project format and can become a online platform for your MS Project.



A place for users to initiate active discussions on topics that are assorted by their subject of interest. 

Web Page Bookmark

An eBookmark system on your Project to collectively manage web page shortcuts.  

*Knowledge Base

Replaces traditional post-its to record all you need to keep track of. 

*Photo Albums

A collective manager for all your project image files; Photo Albums supports instant online view. 


*eForms flow

eForms flow supports mobile interface to enhance eForms pending time. 

*eForms Designer

eForms Designer allows individual to design eForms without coding experiences and enables computerization of human resources forms. 

*eForms Report

 Consolidates results from finished eForms flow for a comprehensive report and a detail analysis.

Mobile Apps

*Text Messaging

Receive Project messages from anywhere, always up-to-date and well-informed of the latest updates. 

*Mobile Platform

CRM is user friendly regardless of your interface and device of choice: Androids, iOS, smart phones or tablets. 

*Go Project (App)

Project allows you to send text messages to stakeholders involved in a project. *Go Project (App) Receive Project messages from anywhere, always  

Interested with our product? Get your free trial now.